Happy Earth Day!!!!
I know Earth Day looks a little different this year, but I also feel like it’s the 1st Earth Day- where the EARTH is actually celebrating. 🌎🎉
So many incredible transformations have happened to the Earth since the world wide pandemic. Animals are returning to places they haven’t been seen in years, the ozone is repairing itself and pollution is at an all time low. #hellyes
For the Earth it truly has been a blessing and I’m praying that once this is all over we DO NOT go back to the way things were.
All of that being said- let’s celebrate online today with some of my Earth Day favorites!
Guys- all of these items will bring you one step closer to helping the environment.
Remember small acts- add up to big results.
I hope that on this Earth Day each of you take a few minutes to really think about the Earth- what does it mean to you and how you can take more steps to improve the world we live on. This is a community and global effort- let’s not be in the mindset that someone else will do it. Do your small part and spread that awareness to others. Get outside today and enjoy all that this beautiful Earth has to offer.
Stay well friends- xoxo